Less likely to surpass their parents: study
by Carol Sanders (Published in Winnipeg Free Press February 20, 2014 A7)
The children of Canadian immigrants generally do better than their parents -- unless they're Filipino males, a study released Wednesday shows.
The Institute for Research on Public Policy conducted what's been hailed as the first study to focus on Filipino youth in Canada. The study, Understanding Intergenerational Social Mobility: Filipino Youth in Canada, found Filipino youth, particularly males, are less likely to hold a university degree than their parents and their peers in other immigrant groups.
With the Philippines being one of Canada's leading source countries for new immigrants and the main source for Manitoba, the lack of upward mobility for Filipino youth is worth studying, said Prof. Philip Kelly, director of the York Centre for Asian Research in Toronto and author of the study.
It surveyed 650 Filipino youth across Canada, focusing on Winnipeg, Vancouver and Toronto and conducting 70 interviews.
Winnipeg -- where Filipino-Canadians have been elected to every level of government -- stood out, Kelly said.
"What we found in Winnipeg is the immigration history and geography of settlement is quite different."
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Read the Report:
Understanding Intergenerational Social Mobility - Filipino Youth in Canada